Poodles are The World’s Best Dogs
“Hailey” ~ GCH CH Alaman’s Come Party with Me! CGC
Hailey Hot Shot! Hailey is a very bright, inquisitive diva from Alaman Poodles. Early into her arrival at our home, we began to call her Hailey Hot Shot
“Macy”~ CH Harten’s Just Charge It!, CGC
Distinctive Breeding “Macy,” Ch Harten’s Just Charge It, joined us in the fall of 2018. She is a puppy we purchased from Sharon Svoboda in Missouri. The progeny
“Amelia” ~ CH Wool ‘n Wind Eye of the Storm, CGC
My Heart Dog Amelia is our "Ebbi," Wool ‘n Wind’s Frolic on the Ebb Tide, and "Trace," Dream Catcher’s Come Alive, pup. She is my heart dog; that
“Ebbi” ~ Wool ‘n Winds Frolic on the Ebb Tide, CGC
Our first Wool 'n Wind offspring to be added to our breeding program. Ebbi is an agile, compassionate girl with a wonderful temperament for therapy work. After her
“Alli” ~ Wool ‘n Wind She’s My Best Friend, CGC
The one who started it all Alli came to us serendipitously. She was the answer to a prayer at a time when I needed someone to lean on.